Wed. Feb 12th, 2025
    Aikyashree ScholarshipAikyashree Scholarship

    Aikyashree Scholarship 2024-25 are operated by West Bengal Minority Development and Finance Corporation, a West Bengal Government initiative. The program’s goal is to help students pursue higher degrees who have merited it. Aikyashree scholarship is open to West Bengal resident minorities including Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists Parsis, and Jains.

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    Overview of Aikyashree Scholarship 2024-25

    Scholarship Scheme NameAikyashree Scholarship for the years 2024-25
    Department nameWest Bengal Minority Development & Finance Corporation
    StateWest Bengal
    It is the Academic Year.2024-25
    BeneficiariesStudents of Minority Community: (Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains/Muslims/Parsis/Christians)
    Eligible StudentsStudents can take a class 1 course up to a PhD degree.
    Application ModeIt is possible to buy online
    Application Deadline30th of September 2024
    Official WebsiteClick Here
    Contact Number1800-120-21306290875550 (Technical Helpdesk)
    For More UpdatesClick Here
    Visit WebsiteClick Here
    Overview of Aikyashree Scholarship 2024-25

    Pre-Matric scholarship criteria for 2024-25

    These UP Aikyashree Awards are offered by the Social Welfare Department of Government of Uttar Pradesh to all students from classes 9 and 10, in Uttar Pradesh. Students who are residents of Uttar Pradesh can use them. As per the census of 2011, the state’s population is 20,42 lakhs.

    These scholarships are offered by the state to students in need of financial assistance. The UP Scholarships are divided by categories in order to include all students, regardless of need. Pre matric scholarships are available for students studying in the state. You can receive it on the basis of merit as well as need.

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    The UP Aikyashree Scholarship applies to students at the prematric level. It includes information about each scholarship including the eligibility criteria and awards. Important dates are also included.
    Aikyashree Scholarship 2024-25 Criteria of Eligibility

    Aikyashree awards a range of scholarships. Note that each scholarship will have its own requirements.

    West Bengal Pre Matriculation Scholarship

    • West Bengal, as the student’s state of residence is mandatory.
    • If you are in the 9th or 10th grades, your student will be able to attend.
    • All students from minority groups are eligible for special consideration. Buddhist, Christian. Jain, Muslim. Parsee & Sikh
    • The scheme does not apply to households with annual earnings less than Rs. 2 lakh.

    West Bengal Post-Matric Scholarship

    • West Bengal Residents are required to be candidates.
    • Minority communities are defined as: Buddhist, Christian.Jain.Muslim.Parsee.Sikh
    • All students in grades 11-12 or those who have just completed their graduation (or postgraduation) are eligible.
    • A minimum of 50% at the previous higher secondary/graduation exam.
    • The scheme does not apply to households with an annual earning of less 2 lakh rupees. 2 lakh.

    West Bengal Scholarship for Bigyani Kanya Medha Britti

    • West Bengal, as the student’s state of residence is mandatory.
    • Your application must come from a female.
    • It is necessary to have a minimum of a 12th grade education.
    • They should aim to pursue Engineering, Medical Science (or Basic Science) in West Bengal through a well-respected university.

    Documents Requirements

    Please see the list below for important documents that you need in order to be eligible for Aikyashree Scholarship.

    A passport-sized photo of each applicant

    • Residential/Domicile certificate
    • Receiving fees for the current fiscal year
    • Self-certification certificate for Community
    • Earning Certificate
    • Certificate of self-attestation for previous year’s mark sheet
    • Bank account details

    Aikyashree Award 2024-25: Application Process

    You can navigate easily through Aikyashree’s online application by following the instructions below.

    The first step is to register students

    1. The Official website or the Aikyashree Scholarship web page can be accessed directly.
    2. Select “New registration”
    3. The district where your Institute is located will be displayed.
    4. You will need to fill out a Registration Form with the following information: Name, District, Email, Phone Number, and Bank Account number.
    5. You can continue by clicking “Submit”.

    Step 2: Scheme Eligibility

    1. Please enter the details of your institution, where you study, as well as location and class. Also, include the last examination date, board name, percentage, income of family, email and the year of the exam.
    2. Once you have carefully reviewed the details, please click “Submit”.
    Aikyashree Award 2024-25: Application Process

    Complete your registration

    1. The temporary ID will appear after you complete the steps before.
    2. Email or Inbox: You’ll receive a password in your email.

    Step 4: Student Login

    1. Please login using your UserID and Password.
    2. Enter the information below.
    3. Basic Information
    4. Academic Information
    5. Bank Account Information
    6. If you want to improve security, change your password and click “Submit”.

    Step 6: Presentation

    1. Please complete the sections containing information about yourself.
    2. Then click “Submit” to continue.
    3. Completing the information required for academics
    4. To proceed, click “Submit”.
    5. Complete and submit the form below to check your bank account’s accuracy.
    6. By clicking the “Preview Tab”, you can see all available details.
    7. To submit the form, please click “Submit” at the bottom.

    Step 6 – Verification and printing

    1. Make sure you have entered all of the required information.
    2. Once you have checked that everything is correct, it’s a good idea to print off a copy.
    3. This form should be sent along with a scanned copy of your bank statement, including your account numbers and IFSC.

    How to apply for Premature Scholarships

    Uttar Pradesh’s Online Scholarship Portal will help students apply for grants. Students can apply for UP’s Pre-matric Aikyashree scholarship online. The description on how you can apply to the scholarship that interests you is available below.

    • First of all, the applicant should sign up as a “new member” on UP Government’s online fee and scholarship refund system. A printout of the candidate’s registration slip is essential.
    • The application must be submitted again under Student Section. For this, you will log into the portal using both your registration number and the date of your birth. A password is also required.
    • On the application for a scholarship, you must complete all of the information.
    • After submitting the application, applicants will have to attach a passport photo and other documentation required, including proof of residency (if applicable), caste certifications, income certificates, certificated, marks, etc.
    • It is important to check the complete application for accuracy. The last step would be to submit your application.
    • After submitting the form online, the candidate should print it out and take any supporting documents with them to their respective institution.

    Aikyashree Scholar List and Details

    West Bengal Minorities’ Development and Finance Corporation manages the Aikyashree Scholarship Portal. It offers five scholarship programmes. It includes the following:

    1. Prior Matriculation Scholarships of the WB
    2. WB Post Matric Scholarship
    3. Bigyani Kanya Medha Britti Scholarship, West Bengal
    4. Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship (SVMCM)
    5. Hindi Scholarship Scheme, West Bengal
    Scholarship NameDetail
    West Bengal Pre-matric ScholarshipThis program is for students of Class 9 and 10. Select students may receive monthly awards ranging in value from Rs. Scholarships can be awarded to students in the range of Rs. 750. Ad hoc Rewards of up to Rs. 1000 are also available to selected students. Per year, you can earn up to 1000 rupees.
    West Bengal Post-matric ScholarshipThe Scholarship is open to all students from Class 11 and Class 12. It also includes those in Graduation or Post-Graduation. Students from SC, ST, or OBC backgrounds who wish to pursue  education beyond matriculation can apply for financial aid. The scholarships range between Rs. The amount of the scholarship ranges from Rs. 1200 per month.
    Bigyani Kanya Medha Britti Scholarship, West BengalScholarships are available exclusively to women who have finished their 12th grade studies in any West Bengal state board. It provides financial support to female undergraduate students in West Bengal who wish to pursue degrees in Basic  Science Engineering or Medicine. Scholarship recipients receive Rs. Each month the scholarship recipient will receive Rs. 2000.
    Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship (SVMCM)Both merit and ability to pay are considered in determining this scholarship. This scholarship is available to all students, from those in Class 11 through PhD. Minority Students can receive financial help up to Rs. The amount of financial aid that minorities are eligible for is up to Rs.
    Hindi Scholarship Scheme, West BengalStudents pursuing higher secondary education, undergraduate, graduate, or research courses (M.Phil. PhD. M.Lit. ), etc. can apply for this scholarship. Monthly scholarships range between Rs. For selected students, monthly scholarship amounts range between Rs. For selected students, up to Rs.
    Aikyashree Scholar List and Details

    Aikyashree Scholarship

    WBMDFC (West Bengal Minorities’ Development and Finance Corporation) was founded under West Bengal Act XVIII(1995), i.e. West Bengal Minorities’ Development and Finance Corporation’s Act of 1996. The Corporation has taken up various schemes for Economic Welfare, Scholarships, Vocational Training, Mass Awareness and Career Counseling that are successfully running for persons belonging to notified religious minority communities i.e., Muslim/Christian/Buddhist/Sikh/Jain and Parsee.

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